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What is the mining difficulty?

Simply put, mining is the result of many people competing to solve a mathematical problem in order to compete for the authority to record the next block and obtain rewards. Whoever has the highest computing power (performance) of the mining machine (computer) has a higher chance of obtaining the reward by calculating the result first. However, since the birth of Bitcoin, the computing power of mining machines (computers) has increased thousands of times, but the number of coins obtained from mining has not increased, except for the halving rule of cryptocurrency rewards every 4 years (or other time periods). , another factor is the role of mining difficulty.

Mining difficulty refers to the difficulty of solving mathematical results each time. Due to the increasing number of miners, in order to ensure the rationality of competition, it is necessary to adjust the difficulty of mathematical solution. As the number of miners increases, the difficulty will dynamically increase according to certain rules. However, if miners are all swarming to mine a certain digital currency, the difficulty of solving it will be very high. However, the computing power of the mining machines held by the miners is fixed. If Ruyi wants to obtain the same amount of rewards, it will be more difficult to mine than usual. This is the so-called mining difficulty.

Generally speaking, in order to ensure mining profits, miners will pay special attention to the mining difficulty of cryptocurrencies. If the mining difficulty of a certain coin is high, it will switch to mining a relatively low-difficulty cryptocurrency. Therefore, mining difficulty is a very important parameter for miners.

Shut Down
Issue amount 21000000
24 hours volume 630.52K
24 hours turnover $ 55.12B
Market Direction Short
Panic Index 46 (Panic)
Swap Rate 3.17%
Market Value Proportion 60.22%
market value $ 9,241.06 x 100 million
24 hour increase 0.41%
Computing power 891.80 EH/s
daily output 0.00000055 BTC / T
Halving time

The public chain will have a halving cycle to maintain the value of the currency, and the market will rise sharply after halving in history.

Earnings volatility

The computing power of the entire network is due to the increase and decrease of mining machines, which affects the average distribution of revenue. If the computing power decreases, the average revenue will increase, and if the computing power increases, the average revenue decreases.

Shut Down
Issue amount 84000000
24 hours volume 5.75M
24 hours turnover $ 538.81M
Market Direction Short
Swap Rate 7.60%
Market Value Proportion 0.24%
market value $ 40.38 x 100 million
24 hour increase 0.20%
Computing power 2.63 PH/s
daily output 0.00000348 LTC / M
Halving time

The public chain will have a halving cycle to maintain the value of the currency, and the market will rise sharply after halving in history.

No halving expected
Earnings volatility

The computing power of the entire network is due to the increase and decrease of mining machines, which affects the average distribution of revenue. If the computing power decreases, the average revenue will increase, and if the computing power increases, the average revenue decreases.

Shut Down
Issue amount 21000000
24 hours volume 604.85K
24 hours turnover $ 200.72M
Market Direction Short
Swap Rate 3.04%
Market Value Proportion 0.22%
market value $ 35.33 x 100 million
24 hour increase 1.56%
Computing power 3.15 EH/s
daily output 0.00012667 BCH / T
Halving time

The public chain will have a halving cycle to maintain the value of the currency, and the market will rise sharply after halving in history.

Earnings volatility

The computing power of the entire network is due to the increase and decrease of mining machines, which affects the average distribution of revenue. If the computing power decreases, the average revenue will increase, and if the computing power increases, the average revenue decreases.

Shut Down
Issue amount 2000000000
24 hours volume 64.02M
24 hours turnover $ 200.01M
Market Direction Short
Swap Rate 9.91%
Market Value Proportion 0.06%
market value $ 31.92 x 100 million
24 hour increase -1.27%
Computing power 22.63EiB
daily output 0.00360208 FIL / TiB
Halving time

The public chain will have a halving cycle to maintain the value of the currency, and the market will rise sharply after halving in history.

No halving expected
Earnings volatility

The computing power of the entire network is due to the increase and decrease of mining machines, which affects the average distribution of revenue. If the computing power decreases, the average revenue will increase, and if the computing power increases, the average revenue decreases.

Shut Down
Issue amount 21410000
24 hours volume 581.31K
24 hours turnover $ 7.25M
Market Direction Short
Swap Rate 8.78%
Market Value Proportion 0.00%
market value $ 1.22 x 100 million
24 hour increase -0.01%
Computing power 14912.60839843 PiB
daily output 0.00024359 XCH / TiB
Halving time

The public chain will have a halving cycle to maintain the value of the currency, and the market will rise sharply after halving in history.

No halving expected
Earnings volatility

The computing power of the entire network is due to the increase and decrease of mining machines, which affects the average distribution of revenue. If the computing power decreases, the average revenue will increase, and if the computing power increases, the average revenue decreases.

Shut Down
Issue amount 210700000
24 hours volume 6.76M
24 hours turnover $ 123.69M
Market Direction Short
Swap Rate 4.56%
Market Value Proportion 0.09%
market value $ 19.50 x 100 million
24 hour increase -0.42%
Computing power 297.71 TH/s
daily output 0.00004237 ETC / M
Halving time

The public chain will have a halving cycle to maintain the value of the currency, and the market will rise sharply after halving in history.

No halving expected
Earnings volatility

The computing power of the entire network is due to the increase and decrease of mining machines, which affects the average distribution of revenue. If the computing power decreases, the average revenue will increase, and if the computing power increases, the average revenue decreases.

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